
Our 2021 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2021. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR workshop on The Use of Volunteer Geographic Information for Producing and Maintaining Authoritative Land Use and Land Cover Data that took place on 24 and 25 November 2020.
land use/land cover, VGI, authoritative data
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EUnet4DBP International workshop on Digital Building Permit that took place on 25 and 26 March 2021.
digitalisation, automation, Digital Building Permit, GeoBIM
Our 2020 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2020. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
Spatial Linked Data in Europe: Report from Spatial Linked Data Session at Knowledge Graph in Action
spatial data, linked data, knowledge graph, geosparql
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroGeographics/EuroSDR/OGC/ISO TC 211/ICA workshop on Spatial Data Quality that took place on 28 and 29 January 2020 in Valletta, Malta.
spatial data, data quality management
The objective of the survey was to study existing initiatives in terms of practices and projects at EuroSDR organizations to provide data and tools to pupils, students, teachers, and scientists for research and/or education purposes.
education, geoportal, tool, open data, data usability, data quality management, NMCA
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR workshop on Crowdsourcing in National Mapping that took place on 16 and 17 January 2020 in Leuven, Belgium.
crowdsourcing, national mapping
This survey was undertaken as part of the Erasmus+ project BESTSDI – ‘Western Balkans Academic Education Evolution and Professional’s Sustainable Training for Spatial Data Infrastructures’ together with EuroSDR.
survey, spatial data infrastructures, SDI, BESTSDI, INSPIRE
Our 2019 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2019. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
annual report, geo-information, EuroSDR
Authoritative Data in a European Context
authoritative data, geospatial data
International Benchmarking of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Approaches for Forest Inventories: Results, Discussion and Outlooks
forest inventory, point cloud, terrestrial laser scanning, TLS, benchmarking
International Benchmarking of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Approaches for Forest Inventories: Objective, Datasets, Evaluation Criteria and Methods
forest inventory, point cloud, terrestrial laser scanning, TLS, benchmarking
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR/EuroGeographics Seminar "Data Linking by Indirect Spatial Referencing Systems" which took place on 5 - 6 September 2018 in Paris, France.
linked data, indirect spatial referencing systems
