24 March 2023
The fifth workshop on earth observation and monitoring with Sentinel images is again co-organized by EuroSDR and different partners from Spain, Norway, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. It is due to take place on 31 May - 1 June 2023. Please register before May 21st.
23 March 2023
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) in Europe could bring benefits such as personalised services for citizens, fewer repetitive tasks for staff members (liberating time for more tasks that have more value as listening, creating, improving services, …), detect harmful content, support decision-making processes where a high number of data and variables are involved, which is more and more frequent when societal challenges are involved.
13 March 2023
Geographical data and analyses are a useful asset in several domains of education and research including geography, history, urbanism or environmental science, amongst others, from primary school t
13 March 2023
In April 2022, EuroSDR and EuroGeographics jointly organised a workshop to share practical experiences, findings and roadmaps related to the discoverability and accessibility of data with a geographical characteristic, including data covered by the INSPIRE directive. This publication reports the main findings from this workshop.Eurogeographics is an association that gathers National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies, to share and resolve common problems, to manage pan-European projects such as web-based metadata services and integrated geographic databases, and to become the unified “voice of European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities”.
1 February 2023
EuroSDR Educational Service (EduServ) annually offers four two-week e-lea