INSPIRE Atlas of Implementation Methods
Dates: 29th to 30th April 2009
Venue: Brussels, Belgium.
Status: Completed
Objectives: Well-performing Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are not straightforward to implement due to many interdependent aspects (such as legal, economic, technological, organisational, and public administrative). In order to meet the INSPIRE directive, it is important for EU member states to know the key elements that lead to successful SDI implementation. In addition, the key areas for further research should be identified as soon as possible, to give the scientific community the possibility to carry out research supportive of the INSPIRE implementations. The ‘INSPIRE atlas of implementation methods’ meets these issues, by providing firstly a structured overview of INSPIRE implementation methods across the member states with references to the key documents in every state. Studying the experiences of the INSPIRE implementations is an important part of this inventory. Secondly, the atlas will define a research agenda for INSPIRE related topics. To accomplish this, two workshops will be organised: this one and another one in autumn 2009. The project is complementary to other related projects such as ESDIN, eSDInet+ and INSPIRE State of Play, since it is explicitly a research project.
Report or Proceedings: