
This report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR seminar on graphical interfaces for historical data, which took place in Saint Mandé (near Paris, France), on June 26th 2017.
historical data, digitalisation, graphical interfaces
This survey was undertaken as part of the Erasmus+ project BESTSDI – ‘Western Balkans Academic Education Evolution and Professional’s Sustainable Training for Spatial Data Infrastructures’ together with EuroSDR.
survey, spatial data infrastructures, SDI, BESTSDI, INSPIRE
The objective of the survey was to study existing initiatives in terms of practices and projects at EuroSDR organizations to provide data and tools to pupils, students, teachers, and scientists for research and/or education purposes.
education, geoportal, tool, open data, data usability, data quality management, NMCA
This survey is one of the first attempts to draw the landscape of the use of AI at National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) in Europe, providing a unique overview of the current use of AI at NMCAs in Europe, and some recommendations.
NMCA, survey, Artificial Intelligence
This survey aims to assess the effects of open data policies on the business models of NMCAs and which changes have been made to cope with revenue losses due to open data supply.
survey, open data, business models, NMCA
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR workshop Crowdsourcing in National Mapping which took place in April 2017 in Leuven, Belgium.
crowdsourcing, volunteered geographic information, VGI
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR workshop on Crowdsourcing in National Mapping that took place on 16 and 17 January 2020 in Leuven, Belgium.
crowdsourcing, national mapping
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR/EuroGeographics Seminar "Data Linking by Indirect Spatial Referencing Systems" which took place on 5 - 6 September 2018 in Paris, France.
linked data, indirect spatial referencing systems
This publication reports the findings of the June 2023 AGILE Pre-Conference workshop looking at how GI science can advance the value of city-level and national Digital Twins.
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EUnet4DBP International workshop on Digital Building Permit that took place on 25 and 26 March 2021.
digitalisation, automation, Digital Building Permit, GeoBIM
A half-day workshop was organised by EuroSDR during the 2022 conference of AGILE. It focussed on current experiences developed by EuroSDR members regarding the use of Geographical data and analyses in education and research.
education, EuroSDR
This publication reports the findings of the April 2022 EuroSDR and EuroGeographics workshop about the discoverability and accessibility of geographical data, including data covered by the INSPIRE directive.
geospatial data, mapping
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR/EuroGeographics workshop INSPIRE Data Extension which took place on 27 and 28 November 2018 in Warsaw, Poland.
INSPIRE, data extension, Europe
This workshop report presents the highlights of the EuroSDR seminar Mapping Places for Digital Natives, which took place on 19th January 2018 in Paris, France.
topography, mapping, places, digital natives
