
Our 2019 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2019. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
annual report, geo-information, EuroSDR
Our 2020 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2020. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
Our 2021 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2021. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
Our 2022 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2022. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
annual report
Our 2023 Annual Report gives an overview of all our activities in 2023. These represent the range of research undertaken by EuroSDR across the spectrum of geo-information management.
annual report
This report presents the preliminary findings of the collaborative work on FELA, undertaken by EuroSDR and UN-GGIM, reflecting the results of the second online survey related to the technological branch of the FELA pathways.
FELA, UNGGIM, Land Administration, Assessment
Official Publication No. 1 contains the final reports of the EuroSDR Workshops 'Activité de la Commission A de l’OEEPE de 1960 à 1964', 'Activité de la Commission B de l’OEEPE pendant la période septembre 1960 - janvier 1964'
Official Publication No. 10 contains the Résultats complémentaires de l’essai d’Oberriet de l’OEEPE - further results of the photogrammetric tests of the Commission C of the OEEPE
photogrammetry, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 11 contains the '25 années d’activité de l’OEEPE' - '25 Years of OEEPE (Summary)' and the 'Mathematical Models'
OEEPE, mathematical models
Official Publication No. 12 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'Revision of 1:25,000 Topographic Maps by Photogrammetric Methods'
topography, photogrammetry, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 13 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'On the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Measurements of Buildings' - report on the results of the test “Dordrecht”, carried out by Commission C of the OEEPE.
accuracy, photogrammetry, building extraction, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 14 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'Test of Digitising Methods'
digitalisation, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 15 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'Optimal Emulsions for Large-Scale Mapping - Test of “Steinwedel” - Commission C of the OEEPE 1981-84'
large-scale, mapping, OEEPE
Official Publication No.16 contains the results of the Vienna test of OEEPE Commission C and the Photogrammetric Versus Terrestrial Town Survey
photogrammetry, terrestrial, accuracy, OEEPE
