
Official Publication No.5 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'Les recherches expérimentales exécutées sur de longues bandes par la Commission A de l’OEEPE'
triangulation, strips, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 4 contains the EuroSDR workshop 'Sur la précision de mesures photogrammétriques de coordonnées en terrain montagneux' - rapport sur les résultats de l’essai de Reichenbach de la Commission C de l’OEEPE'
photogrammetry, mountains, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 3 contains the final reports of the EuroSDR Workshop 'Use of Strips Connected to Blocks for Large Scale Mapping - Results of Experimental Research Organized by Commission B of the OEEPE from 1959 through 1966'
strips, large-scale, mapping, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 2 contains the final reports of the EuroSDR Workshops 'The Interpretation Tests of Bedford and Waterbury. Common Report Established by all Participating Centres of Commission E of OEEPE'
photogrammetry, OEEPE
Official Publication No. 1 contains the final reports of the EuroSDR Workshops 'Activité de la Commission A de l’OEEPE de 1960 à 1964', 'Activité de la Commission B de l’OEEPE pendant la période septembre 1960 - janvier 1964'
