23 May 2023
We are very pleased to present our 2022 Annual Report which gives an overview of all our activities in 2022.
22 May 2023
Following previous successful workshops in 2015, 2018 and 2020, EuroGeographics and EuroSDR are pleased to announce another workshop on spatial data quality to be held at the International Associations Centre, 40 Rue de Washington, Brussels, Belgium on 11 – 12 October 2023.
27 April 2023
At this workshop, we will discuss the results of the survey to EuroSDR members on EU funding. The workshop will take place on 31 May between 10-12am and is open to all colleagues at EuroSDR members, and in particular those dealing with EU funding or other funding requests.
25 April 2023
Taking place in Delft, NL, on 13 June 2023, the overall objective of the workshop is to better understand how GI Science can enhance City and National DT and to identify and start to address associated scientific challenges. The workshop will consist of a mixture of short talks around this theme and a break out session to allow for more in-depth discussion relating to specific aspects of the topic that have already been identified as key challenges, such as engineering the two way digital-physical connection for a DT and more.
13 April 2023
EuroSDR invites you to participate in a survey on Geodata and Tools for Education and Research. The survey should take about 5 minutes.