Workshop | Evaluation and Benchmarking of Sensors, Systems and Geospatial Data in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (16 - 17 September 2019, Warsaw)
On 16 and 17 September 2018, EuroSDR, ISPRS, Warsaw University og Technology (Favulty of Geodesy and Cartography) and University of Warsaw (Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies) are organizing a workshop on Evaluation and Benchmarking of Sensors, Systems and Geospatial Data in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Warsaw, Poland.
The wide variety of sensors and systems available on the market for collecting spatial data makes the evaluation of provided information, calibration of sensors and benchmarking of systems and 3D data a critical task. It is also an important scientific issue for many professionals. In daily work, the assessment of tools for collecting spatial data resources is a crucial issue for National Mapping and Cadastral Agency officers and all professionals handling geospatial data. This workshop is therefore appropriate for potential attendees who want to extend their knowledge in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing.
For more information, click here.