Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for NMCAs (26 & 27 September 2023)
This workshop will be held as an online only event.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technological game changer; generating both excitement about possible beneficial applications, and sparking anxiety about the potential consequences.
This new workshop is a follow-up of two previous successful workshops on AI for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) that were jointly organised by EuroGeographics and EuroSDR in 2021 and 2022.
The third edition of this workshop, for staff members of NMCAs and academic institutions with an interest in AI in the geospatial sector, aims to continue the conversation of AI within the context of NMCAs. By bringing together presentations and discussions about policy frameworks, research trends and experiences of implementing AI, this event will focus on the role of AI on the business processes at European NMCAs.
A draft agenda is available in the concept note here. You can register here.