EuroSDR survey on Machine Learning / Deep Learning
As a follow up action of the successful Joint Virtual Workshop organised by EuroSDR in collaboration with EuroGeographics on “Artificial Intelligence for NMCAs” held on 3-4.02.2021, the Executive Management Team of EuroSDR decided to repeat the EuroSDR survey on Machine Learning / Deep Learning conducted in 2018. EuroSDR received valuable support of swisstopo to successfully launch this survey.
The list of short questions is related to your project(s) in the technical field of Machine Learning / Deep Learning. The project(s) may be completed, ongoing or even planned. Please fill in the respective start and end date of the project. If you do not have definite dates, estimate the duration. Please use this form to report one project at a time. In case you have more than one project to report, please use this form multiple times.
The questionnaire consists of 18 questions (closed and open) and takes max 15 minutes of your valuable time. It is also open for all NMCAs across Europe interested in the topic of Artificial Intelligence.
Thank you for completing our survey with 30 April 2021 as the deadline. Your feedback is important. The results will be published as an EuroSDR Official Publication and presented at the EuroSDR Board of Delegates meeting scheduled for this Fall 2021.
Kind regards,
Tobias Kellenberger, André Streilein, swisstopo
Joep Crompvoets, Fabio Remondino, EuroSDR