Coronavirus update | BIM/GIS Integration workshop and 3DGeoInfo
We regret to announce that UCL have now cancelled ALL public events over summer, which unfortunately includes the BIM/GIS Workshop and 3DGeoInfo 2020.
This is very disappointing for all of us, as you can imagine, but completely understandable given the current situation both in the UK and internationally.
However - we're now pleased to announce that we're planning to host a virtual / online conference instead. This will include:
1. Sponsored participation for all speakers who have accepted papers for ISPRS Annals or Archives and give an online talk (i.e. no registration fee to pay)
2. Online sessions and keynotes, including discussion panels and question and answer sessions
3. A sliding scale of reduced participation costs for non-speakers (as we don't have to pay for food and drink etc) - to be announced in the coming weeks.
Given the current situation, we have also decided to move initial deadlines back by 3 weeks as follows (website will be updated in the next few days)
- Full Papers (ISPRS Annals) April 27, 2020
- Abstract Papers (ISPRS Archives, 1000-1500 words) May 13, 2020
Please do let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards and keep well
Claire, Jeremy and Rollo