5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop
8 February 2016
The 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop with be organized on 18-20 October 2016. The organization is combined with the 3D GeoInfo Conference (20-21 October 2016) into the Joint 3D Athens Conference 2016, Greece (http://3dathens2016.gr/site/).
More information can be found on the 3D Cadastre Workshop website http://www.gdmc.nl/3DCadastres/workshop2016/.
Deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is 15 May 2016 (and accepted full papers 1 September 2014). For the 3D GeoInfo conference the submission deadline for full papers is 20 May 2016 (see http://3dathens2016.gr/site/?page_id=23954).