Workshops and Related Events

26 - 27 January 2023 (Stuttgart, Germany)

The 3rd International Workshop on Point Cloud Processing in Stuttgart, Germany, on 26-27 January 2023 brings together expe

5 - 6 December 2022 (National Archive of Aerial Photography / ICCD, Via di S. Michele 18, Rome, Italy)

In the last years the availability of digitised historical aerial images is

27 - 28 October 2022 (Leuven, Belgium)

National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) view Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an opportunity not a threat.

11 - 15 September 2022 (Warsaw, Poland)

FIG is excited to invite you to the FIG Congress 2022 and is determined to bring our global community together again at the

14 June 2022 (Vilnius, Lithuania (hybrid))
The focus of this workshop is the value of geodata for education and research and possible solutions to improve this value, incl. during the specification of new data products.
9 June 2022 (Nice, France)

Jon Mills (Chair of Commission 1) and Fabio Remondino (Vice-President) will organize a dedicated EuroSDR theme session at the ISPRS congress on 9th June 2022 (AM).


6 - 11 June 2022 (Nice, France)
The ISPRS Congress is the leading forum where classic and emergent topics related to photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences are discussed.
