Historical Data
9:00 am – 12:00 am
Welcoming participants
Historical data, stakes, rough approaches and future plans at IGN-F, Bénédicte Bucher, IGN-F (pdf)
Access and new possibilities of usage and analysis of historical data, Management and Planning of long-term availability and archiving at Swiss topo, Helen Gollin (pdf)
Historical data, stakes, rough approaches and future plans at OSGB, Jonathan Holmes, OSGB (pdf)
Journey through time, the LUBIS-Viewer (Information system for aerial photographs) and some key points of the project Ellipse, Helen Gollin, Swisstopo (pdf)
Historical ortho-imagery, change detection research work at MATIS lab, Bruno Vallet and Isabelle Cléry, IGN-F
12:00 -13:30 : Lunch
13:30 pm – 17:00 pm
Main categories of historical data at the Danish Geodata Agency: Different types of data/metadata and different approaches, Peder Dam, GST-Denmark (pdf)
Construction and analysis of historical data bases; a focus on imperfection management and interdisciplinarity enhancement, Julien Perret, IGN-F (pdf)
Presentation of some lobbying and funding modalities at the european level for such topics, Florian Thomas, IGN-F
Discussion : collective priorisation of use cases and scenarios we wish to join our efforts on, and definition of next steps