EuroSDR Workshop on Historical and Time Stamped Data for SDGs

23 April 2024 (Zagreb, Croatia)

This workshop has now passed, presentations can be accessed through the agenda below

Date:  April 23rd 2024 noon to April 24th noon

Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Organising Committee: Zeljko Bacic, Saša Cvitković, Benedicte Bucher, Fabio Remondino, Jeremy Morley

Historical and Time Stamped Geographical Data, ranging from scans of very old maps to five years old digital born topographic data, are a key asset to observe landscape evolution. They are necessary to study trends and interdependencies between different localized dynamics for the pursuit of the UN Agenda 2030. In practice, their effective usage is hindered by the lack of user-oriented solutions to discover them across multiple sources, process them, perform spatio-temporal queries and interpret the result. This workshop aims at exchanging application-oriented findings, focussed on data fitness for specific sustainable development goals, as well as methodological findings with a concern for replicability, and adaptability across countries and domains in the philosophy of UN Agenda 2030.  

Venue: the workshop venue is Hotel Dubrovnik, Ljudevita Gaja 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. Specific rates have been arranged by the workshop organisers.  The reservation form is available here and should be forwarded directly to the hotel - contact details are on the form.  

Registration is free but mandatory, and there are a limited number of places. Please register here before April 4th.

 Workshop program 


April 23rd, 2024 (14:00 - 18:00)


Registration Opens

Opening Session


Welcome address


EuroSDR activities (overall intro, past activities on historical images, TIME project)


Historical and time stamped data for SDGs: requirement analysis from the UN-GGIM: Europe Working Group on core data

Author : Dominique Laurent, IGN France


Implementation of SDG Indicators in Spain: the role of High Resolution and Historical Land Use/Land Cover information together with Settlements reference data

Authors : Samuel Parada, Julián Delgado and Gonzalo Benayas, National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN)

15:30 – 16:00

Short Break

Session 2

Land use / Land Cover


Gauss centre “the temporal change of geospatial data”: Research agenda in the context of SDGs

Authors : Mareike Dorozynski1, Tobias Werner2, Mireille Fangueng3, Frank Thiemann3, Franz Rottensteiner1, Thomas Brinkhoff2,  Philipp Otto4, Monika Sester3, Thorsten Dahms5 & Michael Hovenbitzer5


Using historical aerial photogrammetric campaigns to retrieve the evolution of territories, HIATUS

Author: Arnaud Le Bris (tbc)


Automated Detection of Landscape Features in Historical Maps to Support Climate Protection and Modelling

Authors: Hendrik Herold (IOER), André Hartmann (IOER), Eszter Kiss (BKG)  


Day wrap-up


End of day 1, Dinner (included with registration




April 24th, 2024 (9:00 - 13:00)

Session 3

Built Environment


Mapping buildings evolution over the past decade on city region areas to support research and public action on densification, the SUBDENSE project

Authors : Bénédicte Bucher, Mouhamadou Ndim, Ana-Maria Raimond, Juste Raimbault, Julien Perret


Use of historical data for buildings legalization process

Authors: Marijan Marjanović, Sanja Mimica, Davorka Brkić and Saša Cvitković, State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia


Creation and Geo-referencing of 3D data of destroyed monuments: the example of the Schaffhausen Bridge.

Authors : Emmanuel Cledat and Olivier Bonin: Cledat Emmanuel, LASTIG, Université Gustave Eiffel, ENSG, IGN,  Bonin Olivier, Université Gustave Eiffel, Ecole des Ponts, LVMT

10:30 – 11:00

Short Break

Session 4

Cross-domains initiatives


The EC eArchiving Initiative: A way to ensure interoperable and sustainable access to geospatial records

Author : Gregor Završnik, Geoarh


Missing link between spatiotemporal (historical ) data and AI (machine learning) usage

Author: Marjan Čeh, Uni Ljubljana, Gregor Završnik, Geoarh


Final discussion and wrap-up


End of day 2, Lunch (included with registration)