EuroSDR Commission 1 Special Interest Group workshop: Data acquisition, processing and distribution within NMCA
From 29 to 30 January 2025, a EuroSDR Special Interest Group-Data Acquisition (SIG-DA) workshop Data-acquisition -processing and distribution within NMCA’s will be held in Amersfoort (het Waterschapshuis, Stationsplein 89, 3818 LE, Amersfoort).
Following the previous announcement during the BOD145 in Copenhagen, EuroSDR, Commission 1: Data Acquisition, brings together NMCA experts involved in data acquisition for large-scale LiDAR and Imagery programs. The aim is to present and discuss different data-acquisition, -processing and -distribution related topics to discuss the state of the art and the challenges NMCA’s are currently facing. Furthermore, we would like to set up a research agenda for the next 2-5 years and discuss how to effectuate that. The organising committee consists of the EuroSDR Commission 1 as well as NMCA delegates from Belgium and the Netherlands.
Topics that will be discussed are:
● Data-acquisition (Developments in systems, Effects of Data programs, Possibility for future large scale drone acquisitions);
● Data processing (AI/ML/DL for classification of LiDAR data, Aero triangulation on Oblique Imagery, Bayer pattern);
● Data Distribution (Effectively sharing large open data sets, Strategic choices on sharing multiple nation-wide datasets);
● European collaboration (Standardized specifications for acquisition (LiDAR, Nadir, Oblique), Open QC software, Website showing all nationwide data acquisition initiatives and links to tender documents, How do we keep the industry healthy? (Quite a few suppliers stopped their business over the past few years), Which European organizations are relevant for us to cooperate with? What would be a good way of working together? Frequency, live vs digital meetings, smaller groups vs complete group, etc.)
The workshop will be hosted at het Waterschapshuis in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 29 – 30 January 2025. Address: stationsplein 89 3818 LE Amersfoort.
Programme Schedule
The programme will start on Wednesday 29 January at 11:30 and finishes on Thursday 30 November at 14:00 to accommodate travel for participants most optimally. The agenda also includes a shared dinner on Wednesday.
Preliminary Programme (v 08.01.2024) (pdf)
Participation and Registration
Participation is aimed at experts working on programs for large scale data-acquisition in NMCAs. It is open to a limited number of 35 participants. Please register before Friday 15th January 2025
Call for Presentations
We invite NMCAs to present topics, research or experience related to the above-mentioned theme’s. A presentation slot cannot be guaranteed since this depends on the number of registrations. However, we hope many of you are interested and willing to share your thoughts, either by presenting or through discussion. Please contact Jeroen Leusink ( if you are interested in giving such a presentation or if you have any questions.
We hope to see you in Amersfoort,
The Organizing Committee
More information
- Jeroen Leusink,
- Eija Honkavaara,
- Jo Van Valckenborgh,