EuroCOW 2025

16 - 18 June 2025 (Warsaw University of Technology)


For years, EuroCOW has served as a key biennial meeting, uniting world experts from both public and private sectors to present and discuss the latest advancements in Sensor Calibration and Orientation. The global pandemic interrupted this tradition, with alternative workshops being held independently during Geospatial Week. Recognizing the importance of this specialized workshop, and the high-quality scientific discussions that EuroCOW has fostered over the years, we are excited to announce its reactivation.


With the support of EuroSDR, ISPRS, and FIG, the revived EuroCOW will provide an engaging three-day meeting where experts will share insights and advancements. Contributions presented at the event will be published in the ISPRS Archives, ensuring the continued dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in this essential field.


EuroCOW 2025 topics:

  • Orientation and calibration algorithms and procedures
  • Progress in INS, GNSS, timing technology and algorithms
  • New optical sensors and their calibration procedures
  • Navigation, orientation, calibration, mapping with multi-platforms and multi-sensors
  • Data fusion between active and passive optical sensors as well as navigation sensors
  • Multi-sensor navigation for autonomous vehicles
  • Progress in tie-feature extraction with AI methods
  • Reliability and integrity measures with accent on low-altitude UAV
  • National and international controlled tests and test fields
  • Reliability of GNSS technology for sensor orientation in recent times


For further information and registration, please see the official EuroCOW website






Important Dates: