Official Publication No. 8 (1973)
“Proceedings of the OEEPE Symposium on Experimental Research on Accuracy of Aerial Triangulation (Results of Oberschwaben Tests)”
Ackermann, F.: “On Statistical investigation into the Accuracy of Aerial Triangulation. The Test Project Oberschwaben” - “Recherches statistiques sur la précision de l’aérotriangulation. Le champ d’essai Oberschwaben”
Belzner, H.: “The Planning. Establishing and Flying of the Test Field Oberschwaben”
Stark, E.: “Testblock Oberschwaben, Programme I. Results of Block Adjustment by Independent Models”
Ebner, H.: “Comparison of Different Methods of Block Adjustment”
Wiser, P. : “Propositions pour le traitement des erreurs non-accidentelles”
Camps, F.: “Résultats obtenus dans le cadre du projet Oberschwaben 2A”
Cunietti, M.; Vanossi, A.: “Etude statistique expérimentale des erreurs d’enchaînement des photogrammes”
Kupfer, G.: “Image Geometry as Obtained from Rheidt Test Area Photography”
Förstner, R.: “The Signal-Field of Baustetten. A Short Report”
Visser, J.; Leberl, F.; Kure, J.: “OEEPE Oberschwaben Reseau Investigations”
Bauer, H.: “Compensation of Systematic Errors by Analytical Block Adjustment with Common Image Deformation Parameters”. - Frankfurt a.M. 1973.