Highlights of the 125th EuroSDR Board of Delegates meetings in Leuven (Belgium)
The 125th EuroSDR Board of Delegates meetings took place at the University Hall of KU Leuven and the Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe (Belgium) from 22 until 24 October 2014. This meeting was hosted by the National Geographic Institute – Belgium (with Ingrid Vanden Berghe as the host). The meeting started with an overview of relevant innovations in the domain of Geographical Information achieved by public authorities, academia and industry in Belgium. The highlights of the meeting were two keynote presentations: “Introduction to UVS International” by Peter Van Blyenburgh and “The Role of Geospatial Data for Good Governance” by Prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert (KU Leuven – Public Governance Institute). UVS International is a non-profit association representing manufacturers of remotely piloted systems (RPS), related subsystems and critical components and associated equipment, as well as companies supplying services with or for RPS, research organisations and academia. Other important highlights for EuroSDR were the discussion about the new Commissions Structure being part of the EuroSDR Rolling Research Plan 2015-2018 as well as the new Slovenian membership with Dalibor Radovan (Geodetic Institute of Slovenia) as the prime delegate. The Belgian delegates also organised a visit to the exhibitions ‘Vesalius’ and ‘Markus Schinwald’ at Museum M followed by a wonderful dinner hosted by Dirk Van Speybroeck (VITO). EuroSDR is very grateful to the Belgian delegates for organising such a great event.