Announcement | EduServ22 (2024)

22 December 2023

EuroSDR Educational Service (EduServ) annually offers four two-week e-learning courses in the field of GeoInformation (GI). It is designed for knowledge transfer from the research to the production domain. Thus, it is mainly focused on participants from NMCAs and industry, but PhD students and researchers also find the courses interesting as they always reflect the latest developments in GI.

The 22nd series of e-learning courses from EuroSDR will begin with a pre-course seminar hosted by the KU Leuven, Public Governance Institute, Leuven, Belgium, from March 4-5, 2024. During the seminar, background material of four e-learning courses will be presented by the tutors; 8articipants will meet the tutors and fellow participants, get familiar with the software used during training, and the learning platform – Moodle will be demonstrated.


The four two-week e-learning courses are scheduled from March to June 2024. They can be followed over the Internet from any location, thereby allowing participants to update their knowledge with minimum disruption. Each course requires about thirty hours of online study.

For more information, click here.